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Version: 4.xx.xx

General Concepts

Refine is an extensible framework designed for rapidly building web applications. It offers a modern, hook-based architecture, a pluggable system of providers, and a robust state management solution. This section provides an overview of the key concepts in Refine.

Resource Concept

In Refine, a resource is a central concept representing an entity, which ties together various aspects of your application.

They typically refers to a data entity, like products, blogPosts, or orders.

Resource definitions allows you to manage your application in a structured way, abstracting complex operations into simpler actions through various providers and UI integrations.

A typical resource definition looks like this:

import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";

export const App = () => {
return (
name: "products",
list: "/my-products",
show: "/my-products/:id",
edit: "/my-products/:id/edit",
create: "/my-products/new",
{/* ... */}

Provider Concept

Providers are the building blocks of Refine, used to manage different aspects of your application, such as data fetching, routing, access control, and more.

They are pluggable, which means you can use the built-in providers or create your own. This allows you to customize the behavior of your application to suit your needs.

  • Data Provider: Communication with the backend data source, handling data operations such as fetching, creating, updating, deleting records, caching, and invalidation.
  • Authentication Provider: Manages user authentication and authorization processes. Handles redirection, error cases.
  • Access Control Provider: Handles authorization and access control. Used to hide/disable buttons and menu items, or to protect routes and components.
  • Notification Provider: Enables notification features like showing notification after successful mutations or errors.
  • I18n Provider: Enables i18n features such as renderin translated menu items, button texts, table columns, page titles, and more.
  • Live Provider: Enables real-time updates to your application. For example, when a user creates a new record, other users can see the new record in the list page without refreshing the page.
  • Router Provider: Matches routes to resources, enables navigation features like breadcrumbs, automatic redirections after CRUD operations, rendering menu items.

Hook Concept

refine adopts a hook-based architecture, a modern and powerful pattern in React development, which significantly enhances the development experience and application performance.

refine's hooks are headless, which means they are library agnostic, provides a unified interface for your needs regardless of your library or framework of your choice.

For example, we have different built-in router providers for React Router v6, Next.js, Remix, Expo that handles routing in your application.

But we have a single useGo hook, exported from @refinedev/core package, can be used to navigate to a specific resource's page in your application regardless of your routing solution.

This is just one example, we have many other hooks for data fetching, authentication, access control, notifications, i18n and more.

They are all headless, library agnostic, and unified.

You might be using Casbin or Cerbos for authorization, we have a single useCan hook to control access in your components.

Or you may prefer either next-i18next or react-i18next for i18n, we have a single useTranslate hook to handle translation.


Data Provider

The Data Provider is the bridge between your frontend and your backend data source. It is responsible for handling all data-related operations such as fetching, caching, creating, updating, and deleting records.

Each data operation in the Data Provider is typically associated with a specific resource. For example, when fetching data for a products resource, the Data Provider will know which endpoint to hit and how to handle the response.

import { DataProvider } from "@refinedev/core";

const myDataProvider: DataProvider = {
getOne: ({ resource, id }) => {
// other methods...

Refine offers various built-in data providers for popular data sources like REST, Strapi, AirTable, Supabase, GraphQL, and more. See the Data Providers page for more information.

See the Data Fetching guide for more information.


You can use useList, useOne, useCreate, useEdit, useShow hooks to fetch data in your components.

import { useOne } from "@refinedev/core";

export const ShowPage = () => {
const { data, isLoading } = useOne({ resource: "products", id: 1 });

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading...</p>;

return <>{}</>;

See the Data Fetching guide for more information.

Authentication Provider

The Authentication Provider centralizes the authentication and authorization processes in refine applications.

It handles authentication and authorization processes such as login, logout, redirection, error handling, and more.

import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core'";

export const authProvider: AuthBindings = {
login: async ({ email, password }) => {
const { status } = handleLogin(email, password);

if (status === 200) {
return { success: true, redirectTo: "/dashboard" };
} else {
return {
success: false,
error: { name: "Login Error", message: "Invalid credentials" },
check: async (params) => ({}),
logout: async (params) => ({}),
onError: async (params) => ({}),
register: async (params) => ({}),
forgotPassword: async (params) => ({}),
updatePassword: async (params) => ({}),
getPermissions: async (params) => ({}),
getIdentity: async (params) => ({}),

See the Authentication guide for more information.


You can use Authenticated component from @refinedev/core to protect your routes, components with authentication.

import { Authenticated } from "@refinedev/core";

const MyPage = () => (
<YourComponent />

See the Authentication Components page for more information.


You can use useGetIdentity hook to get current user.

import { useGetIdentity } from "@refinedev/core";

export const DashboardPage = () => {
const {
data: { name },
} = useGetIdentity();

return <>Welcome {name}!</>;

See the Authentication Hooks page for more information.

UI Integrations

We have pre-built components which works with Auth Provider out-of-the-box.

When provided, their Layout components can automatically render current user information on the header and add logout button to appropriate places.

You can also use AuthPage component of these integrations for Login, Register, Forgot Password, Reset Password pages.

See the Auth Pages section below for live examples.

Access Control Provider

The Access Control Provider manages what users can access or perform within the application based on their permissions.

It uses the resource definition to determine access rights. For instance, it can decide whether a user can edit or delete record for products resource based on the resource definition.

import { AccessControlProvider, Refine } from "@refinedev/core";

const myAccessControlProvider: AccessControlProvider = {
can: async ({ resource, action }) => {
if (resource === "products" && action === "delete") {
return { can: false };

return { can: true };

export const App = () => {
return (
<Refine accessControlProvider={myAccessControlProvider}>{/* ... */}</Refine>

See the Authorization guide for more information.


You can wrap CanAccess component to wrap relevant parts of your application to control access.

import { CanAccess } from "@refinedev/core";

export const ShowPage = () => {
return (
<CanAccess resource="users" action="show">
User Page
<CanAccess resource="users" action="block">
// Only authorized users can see this.
<BlockUserButton />


You can use useCan hook to control access in your components.

import { ErrorComponent, useCan } from "@refinedev/core";

export const ShowPage = () => {
const { data: show } = useCan({ resource: "users", action: "show" });
const { data: block } = useCan({ resource: "users", action: "block" });

if (!show?.can) {
return <ErrorComponent />;

return (
User Details Page
{block?.can && <BlockUserButton />}

UI Integrations

When provided, our UI Integrations works out-of-the-box with Access Control Provider.

For example if user isn't authorized to see orders resource, it will be hidden on the sidebar menu automatically.

Or if the current user isn't authorized to delete a product, the delete button will be disabled or hidden automatically.

import { DeleteButton } from "@refinedev/antd"; // or @refinedev/mui, @refinedev/chakra-ui, @refinedev/mantine

export const ShowPage = () => {
return (
Product Details Page
<DeleteButton /> // Only admins can see this.

This applies to all buttons like CreateButton, EditButton, ShowButton, ListButton.

Notification Provider

refine can automatically show notifications for CRUD operations and errors.

For example, after creating, updating, or deleting a record for products resource, or when an error occurs on form submission.

refine has out-of-the-box notification providers for popular UI libraries like Ant Design, Material UI, Chakra UI, and Mantine.

See the Notifications guide for more information.


Our data hooks, mutation hooks, and auth hooks can automatically show notifications for actions and errors.

It's also possible to modify these notifications per hook.

import { useDelete } from "@refinedev/core";

export const ShowPage = () => {
const { mutate } = useDelete({ resource: "products" });

return (
onClick={() => {
successNotification: () => ({
message: "Product Deleted",
description: "Product has been deleted successfully.",
type: "success",
errorNotification: () => ({
message: "Product Delete Error",
description: "An error occurred while deleting the product.",
type: "error",
Delete Product

If you have a use-case that isn't covered, you can use useNotification hook to show notifications in your application.

import { useNotification } from "@refinedev/core";

export const ShowPage = () => {
const { open, close } = useNotification();

return (
onClick={() => {
key: "my-notification",
message: "Test Notification",
description: "This is a test notification.",
type: "success", // success | error | progress
Show notification
onClick={() => {
Close Notification

I18n Provider

I18n provider centralizes localization process in refine applications.

import { Refine, I18nProvider } from "@refinedev/core";

const i18nProvider: I18nProvider = {
translate: (key: string, options?: any, defaultMessage?: string) => string,
changeLocale: (lang: string, options?: any) => Promise,
getLocale: () => string,

export const App = () => {
return (
<Refine i18nProvider={i18nProvider} {/* ...*/}>
{/* ... */}


You can use useTranslate, useSetLocale, useGetLocale hooks to handle i18n in your components.

import { useTranslate, useSetLocale, useGetLocale } from "@refinedev/core";

export const ShowPage = () => {
const translate = useTranslate();
const setLocale = useSetLocale();
const getLocale = useGetLocale();

return (
Current Locale: {getLocale()}
<Button onClick={() => setLocale("en")}>Set Locale to English</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setLocale("de")}>Set Locale to German</Button>


UI Integrations

When provided, our UI Integrations works out-of-the-box with I18n Provider.

For example, it will automatically translate menu items, button texts, table columns, page titles, and more.

See the Internationalization guide for more information.

Router Provider

Router provider helps refine understand the relationship between resources and routes. Enables navigation features like breadcrumbs, automatic redirections after CRUD operations, rendering menu items, inferring hook parameters, and more.

We have built-in router integrations for the following packages:

  • React Router v6
  • Next.js
  • Remix
  • Expo Router (React Native)

See the Routing guide for more information.


UI Integration components can infer resource information from the current URL.

For example, we are in the list page of products resource, we have List layout component and we are adding CreateButton from one of our UI Integrations to redirect user to the create page of the resource.

With router provider current resource information will be inferred from the current URL.

import { List, CreateButton } from "@refinedev/antd"; // or @refinedev/mui, @refinedev/chakra-ui, @refinedev/mantine

export const ProductsListPage = () => {
return (
// Instead of <List resource="products">
{/* Instead of <CreateButton resource="products" /> */}
<CreateButton /> // Redirects to /products/new

See the Routing guide for more information.


refine hooks can synchronize certain parameters from the current URL eliminates the need to pass them manually.

For example, useOne hook can infer resource and id parameters from the current URL.

import { useOne } from "@refinedev/core";

export const ShowPage = () => {
// const { data, isLoading } = useOne({ resource: "products", id: 1 });
// We don't need to pass "resource" and "id" parameters manually.
const { data, isLoading } = useOne();

if (isLoading) {
return <Loading />;

return <>{}</>;

Another example is useTable hook. While it can infer resource, pagination, filters, and sorters parameters from the current route, it can also update the current route if any of these parameters changes.

See the Routing guide for more information.

UI Integrations

While refine itself is headless, it offers UI Integrations for popular UI libraries for:

These integrations use @refinedev/core under the hood, becomes a bridge between the UI library and the refine framework.

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UI Integrations provides a Layout components, which renders the sidebar menu, header, and content area of your application.

It automatically renders the sidebar menu based on the resource definitions, and the header based on the current user.

CRUD Pages

List, Create, Edit, Show components.

These components provides layout view based on the resource information automatically like:

  • Header with title
  • Breadcrumb
  • Translated texts
  • CRUD Buttons

On top of that, refine adds some features to these layouts:

  • Access Control: If the current user isn't authorized to create a product, the create button will be disabled or hidden automatically.
  • Translation: buttons, titles, columns will be translated to the current language of the user.


For example, our UI Integrations exports CreateButton, for redirecting the user to the create page of the resource.

While the button itself is imported from underlying UI package, refine adds some capabilities to it:

  • Routing: when the button is clicked, the user will be redirected to the create page of the resource.
  • Access Control: if current user isn't authorized, this button will be disabled or hidden automatically.
  • Translation: the button's text will be translated to the current language of the user.

Auth Pages

Common authentication pages like Login, Register, Forgot Password, Reset Password integrated with AuthProvider automatically.

Thank you for reporting this issue! We'll fix it as soon as possible. If you want to get notified when it's fixed, let us email you!

UI Integration Hooks

UI Integration hooks uses @refinedev/core hooks under the hood, making it easier to use them in your UI specific components.

One example is, useTable hook from @refinedev/antd package. This hook uses @refinedev/core's useTable under the hood, but returns props compatible with Ant Design's Table component. So you don't need to manually map the props.

Meta Concept

meta is a special property that can be used to provide additional information to providers and UI Integrations.

There are 3 ways to populate meta, they all will be merged into a single meta property and will be available to providers and UI integrations.

import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";

export const App = () => {
return (
name: "products",
list: "/my-products",
meta: {
fromResource: "Hello from resource.meta",
{/* ... */}

Given the above examples, meta fields from 3 different sources will be available in the providers:

import { AccessControlProvider, DataProvider } from "@refinedev/core";

export const myDataProvider = {
getOne: async ({ meta }) => {
console.log(meta.fromResource); // "Hello from resource.meta"
console.log(meta.fromHook); // "Hello from hook.meta"
console.log(meta.fromURL); // "Hello from URL"

export const myAccessControlProvider = {
can: async ({ meta }) => {
console.log(meta.fromResource); // "Hello from resource.meta"
console.log(meta.fromHook); // "Hello from hook.meta"
console.log(meta.fromURL); // "Hello from URL"

Example Use Cases

  • Global filters: pass a filter to your data provider.
  • Multi-tenancy: make current tenant available id to providers.
  • Advanced Access Control: configuration per resource.
  • Customize UI: manage sidebar label and icon per resource.

These are some but not all examples of how you can use the meta property.

See the Refine Component page for more information.

State Management

refine leverages React Query for data fetching and caching, which enhances the performance and user experience of applications. React Query provides efficient data synchronization between your server and UI, making it easier to handle background updates, cache management, and data invalidation.

Key Aspects of State Management in refine:

  • Data Fetching and Caching: refine handles data fetching with built-in hooks that automatically manage the loading states, caching, and updating of data. This integration means fewer boilerplate codes and a more streamlined approach to handling server-state.

  • Invalidation and Refetching: One of the challenges in state management is knowing when to invalidate and refetch data. refine, through React Query, provides simple yet powerful mechanisms to control data refetching. This ensures that the UI always reflects the most current data.

  • Query Keys Structure: Each data fetching operation in refine is associated with a unique query key. These keys are used to uniquely identify and cache server responses, making it easy to optimize performance by reusing cached data when needed.

  • Mutation and Cache Updates: When a mutation (create, update, delete) occurs, refine allows for the automatic or manual invalidation of related queries. This ensures that the data your users interact with is always fresh and consistent with the backend.

Developer Experience


refine CLI allows you to interact with your refine project and perform certain tasks such as creating a new resource, managing version updates, swizzling components, running your project (build, start, dev).

See the CLI page for more information.


refine devtools is designed to help you debug and develop your refine apps. It will be a collection of features including monitoring queries and mutations, testing out inferencer generated codes, adding and updating refine packages from the UI and more.

See the Devtools package for more information.


@refinedev/inferencer is a package that scaffolds code on the fly for your application based on your API responses.


Inferencer scaffolds some basic boilerplate code to be used as a starting point to save some time.

It's not guaranteed to work in all cases, and it's not meant to be used on production.

See the Inferencer page for more information.

For example, the following code:

import { AntdInferencer } from "@refinedev/inferencer/antd";
// or @refinedev/inferencer/mui, @refinedev/inferencer/chakra, @refinedev/inferencer/mantine, @refinedev/inferencer/headless

export const ProductList = () => {
// Scaffolds List page.
return <AntdInferencer />;

export const ProductShow = () => {
// Scaffolds Show page.
return <AntdInferencer />;

export const ProductEdit = () => {
// Scaffolds Edit page with form.
return <AntdInferencer />;

export const ProductCreate = () => {
// Scaffolds Create page with form.
return <AntdInferencer />;

An example of List Page scaffolded by inferencer looks like this;

import { List, ShowButton, useTable } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { BaseRecord, IResourceComponentsProps } from "@refinedev/core";
import { Space, Table } from "antd";
import React from "react";

export const ProductList: React.FC<IResourceComponentsProps> = () => {
const { tableProps } = useTable({
syncWithLocation: true,

return (
<Table {...tableProps} rowKey="id">
<Table.Column dataIndex="id" title="Id" />
<Table.Column dataIndex="name" title="Name" />
<Table.Column dataIndex="price" title="Price" />
render={(_, record: BaseRecord) => (
<ShowButton hideText size="small" recordItemId={} />